We Have Over 400 Uncollected SCUML Certificates In Enugu Office---EFCC

The Enugu State Command of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, said it has over 400 uncollected SCUML Certificates in its office.

Dec 20, 2023 - 21:48
 0  39
We Have Over 400 Uncollected SCUML Certificates In Enugu Office---EFCC

The Enugu State Command of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, said it has over 400 uncollected SCUML Certificates in its office.

Enugu Zonal Commander, ACE I Aliyu Nuhu Naibi, made this observation while explaining the process of applying for SCUML certificate.

According to him, if procedures for filling the form were properly followed, there would be no difficulty of any form.

“Here in our Command, we have over four hundred SCUML certificates uncollected. We produce certificates every month. The issue is, if you are filling the form, make sure that you follow the procedures”, he said.

Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ola Olukoyede charged civil society organisations, CSOs, in the South East on proper collaboration with the Commission especially in spreading anti-corruption messages at the grassroots.

Responding to a contributor, Mazi Ikechukwu Bismark Oji, who drew the attention of the Chairman to difficulties being faced in getting SCUML certificates, Olukoyede explained that if information required by SCUML is rightly placed in the digital application procedures, no difficulty or delay would be suffered by any applicant. 

“Please, come to the office if you have any challenge in applying for it. That’s why we have SCUML offices across the Commands. You will be properly guided”, he said.

He gave this charge on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at the Enugu Zonal Command of the EFCC in a brief interactive session with CSOs, immediately after the commissioning of the new structure of the Command.

The Chairman, who spoke through the Secretary to the Commission, Muhammad Hammajoda said “the EFCC cannot achieve its mandate of ridding the country of economic and financial crimes alone and we need you the CSOs who are our major stakeholders to put in your energy, time and other resources to support us in this fight against corruption”

Describing corruption as a “cancer”, the Chairman said every effort must be made to tackle it.  “Please, we have to do this work together. The menace is just like cancer and we should fight it with all our strength. You are our eyes and ears in the public, you are our whistle blowers. Help us spread the anti-corruption message to the grassroots so that we can effectively fight corruption and win together”, he said.

In his remark, Chairman, Nigeria Bar. Association, NBA, Enugu chapter, Chief C.N.N Nwagbara, commended Olukoyede for recognising the roles of the CSOs in the fight against corruption and pledged total support of the Association to the Commission in achieving its mandate.

“We will be looking out for crimes, especially the ones that are within the jurisdiction of EFCC and probably make a report. I want to commend the Chairman and the Secretary to the Commission for calling for this meeting and I want to encourage you that there is a need for a repeat of this from time to time”, he said.

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